Endometriosis & Pelvic Pain
What is Endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a progressive, chronic condition in which cells similar to those in the lining of the uterus – called the endometrium – grow in other parts of the body. It most commonly occurs in the pelvis and can affect a woman’s reproductive organs.
Painful Periods
What’s normal and when to see your doctor?
Pelvic Pain
1 in 5 women and people live with pelvic pain. This resource offers an introduction to pelvic pain from our member, the Pelvic Pain Foundation of Australia.
My Endo Report
It can be difficult to know what to bring with you to your health appointment so let us help you. Fill in the questions below and you will be able to download a report that you can take with you to your health appointment. The more information that you can provide, the better you will be able to advocate for your own health plan.
Raising Awareness Tool for Endometriosis. Your answers to these questions will help you discuss with your GP or primary health care provider about what to do and where to get effective help.
Endometriosis health professional tool
This evidence-based tool for the assessment and management of endometriosis has been informed by the latest research and clinical expertise. It can act as a quick reference tool to guide initial diagnosis of endometriosis, provide guidance for ongoing management, and highlights practice points and key messages
Endometriosis in Schools
PPEP Talk® is a fun, medically accurate and age-appropriate information session incorporating the modern neuroscience of pain, of benefit to all students, particularly the 1 in 4 girls and people assigned female at birth with severe period pain.
Shared Perspective:Video Library
These resources were developed by EndoActive and are supported by a grant from the Australian Government Department of Health.
Endometriosis Mobile App
The free endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS, pelvic pain and infertility app
developed by the community, for the community.